As the holiday season approaches, and the gift purchasing begins, I think it is important to think about what exactly we are giving. Sure, the latest and greatest technology has to offer is on every kid's list, but what does it mean? Will they really remember that gift 10 years from now? How important will the iPad be when apple comes out with something new next year? Do the gifts under the tree really mean what we want them to?
What do you want this holiday season? If it is material culture, you've probably got the wrong idea. Actually, you do have the wrong idea. I am not out to bash any kid who asks for a new toy or fun game, but I believe that I can safely say, gift-giving has gotten way out of hand. What are we trying to accomplish by giving these gifts to our loved ones? Does the Tiffany bracelet really prove your love? Will that flat-screen television fill the hole in your heart? These are the questions we need to be asking ourselves.
The greatest gift anyone can give is happiness. Happiness does not come from material culture or "prized possessions", it comes from the heart. Why are we celebrating gifts instead of the Lord's birth? Granted, He wasn't actually born in December, but if this is the day we choose to honor His birth, why are we so worried about spending money on expensive gifts that will soon rot in the bottoms of dusty toy bins?
This holiday season, think about those who are less fortunate. Although they have little, they probably have a much clearer concept on what Christmas actually means. Give someone the gift of love, compassion, happiness. These are gifts that can be cherished for a lifetime, not just a week. When someone asks you what you want for Christmas (or your birthday... this concept can be applied throughout the ENTIRE year), ask them what makes them happy. Tell them you don't need anything, because you probably don't. Show someone else you care. Share whatever joy you have in your life with the others around you. If you can make at least one person smile or understand what the celebration is really about, you have given a gift greater than any amount of money could buy.
aww lena youre so inspiring.