You've helped me. Really, you have. Sometimes, I wondered if spending so much time with you instead of my friends this summer was the right decision. Now that I know what activities my friends have been involved in, I know it was. I'm not judging them, I'm not scolding them, I'm just glad I wasn't there to partake in certain festivities. That's just not the way I want my family to see me, my love to see
me, my God to see me. I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful, accepting, and honest person in my life.
Speaking of honesty, I didn't think we'd make it. I was sure it wouldn't last. In fact, I used to wonder how and when it would end, until one day I realized, I didn't want it to end. I don't want it to end. Even though he's miles and hours away and I'm leaving tomorrow, I don't want it to end.
Can I just say, as bazaar as it sounds, I'm glad we aren't at the same school. Being this far apart isn't going to change the way I feel about him, and it won't change the way he feels about me. I think this will make us stronger or tear us apart, hopefully not the latter. If we can make it through this, it will certainly build a strong sense of trust and prove to both him and myself that this is worth fighting for.
I'm glad I can learn how to miss him. I'm also glad I can branch out, meet new people, make new friends, work hard, study, earn money, and have so many stories to share with him at the end of the day. It's tough, and sometimes not seeing him really sucks, but it will all be worth it in the long run, at least I think so.
I'm not entirely sure of what the future holds, but I think that if we take things one day at a time, we'll be just fine.
I love hearing from you. I love talking about you. I love
your stories. I love seeing you smile. I love it when you
tell me I'm pretty or call me beautiful even when you
have no idea what I'm wearing or what I look like. I
love your laugh. I love your singing and your silly jokes.
I love how much you care about me. I love that I can
see you and feel safe, that I can tell just by looking at you
you want to be with me just as much as I want to be with
you. Most of all, I love you for being you. I love you for
who you are. You are simply wonderful, and I don't want
anybody else. You are special. You are lovely. Most of all,
right now, you are mine, and I'm going to cherish every
second of that I have. All I know is that somehow, in some
way, you came into my life completely unexpectedly and
convinced me I am something special. You gave me a
reason to believe I deserved to be happy. You gave me
my reason to smile. I love you.
happy four month, my love.
I want to thank God for giving me such a blessing. I am so happy to call him mine, and I really couldn't ask for a more wonderful 4 months of our relationship. I know that no matter what comes our way, no matter what happens, I will have God with me the entire time guiding my path. I trust You, God. I love You, God. I need You, God. Please help me, and continue to light up the sky, the world, the universe, and my life with your LOVE.
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