"When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours."
It's important to have people in your life who can lift you up when you're down, who can comfort you when you need it, and who can turn to you when they need advice. I believe that in order to grow closer to God, you need to have people in your life who are strong in their faith and can encourage you to do the same.
Right now, I believe that I need help growing closer to God, and I need someone who can be that rock for me. I just need a friend who can help me grow, I need a friend that can really be there for me. I'm not sure about a lot of things going on in my life right now, but of this I am certain. I cannot walk this path alone, I need a friend to bring me closer to God. I need someone to talk to about my problems and to help me grow. It's not an easy path to walk down on your own, and I suppose I've learned that the hard way. I've spent all this time thinking things would just fall into place, and now I'm realizing that they're not. I need to play an active role in the process, need to actively seek God and make change. There is no one who can make these decisions for me, no one is going to fix my problems, and nobody is going to fight my battles for me.
I am going to be that person, I'm going to take action. There's no use in sitting on the sidelines hoping things will change. I have to make things change, and I will.
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