Tuesday, January 31, 2012

back to the basics.

   Accountability is something that is not always accounted for. Sometimes, it is so easy to get caught up the world's worries that we fail to acknowledge what is truly important in life. Unfortunately, it's easy to do what makes us happy without listening to God's word or trying to understand what he wants for us. It's upsetting to see that I have let things come to this. I'm disappointed in myself for letting what I want and what I think I need come before what is most important in life.

   With that being said, I'm going back to the basics. Square one. What made feel closest to God? What made drift away? I'm embarking on a journey with the Lord, and I intend to let him guide me through it. I am very much uncertain of what my future holds; however, i believe that if I can truly put all of my trust in God, everything will fall into place. I may not be pleased with the answers he gives me, but I know that I need to trust him and understand that he always has my best interest in mind. 
   I am very much looking forward to reconnecting with God. I am going to use this blog to hold me accountable for this journey. Each day, I will make time to sit down, write, and reflect on the day's activities. This will allow me to really think about what I've done and come to a conclusion on whether or not my actions are helping or hindering this process. Although I'm a bit nervous for what I might find, I know that in the end, I will have the answers I've been seeking.