Sunday, November 21, 2010


   What is happiness? Who defines our self-worth? Why do we believe in looking perfect if humans are made with imperfection? Where do we look for these answers? When will we realize that God is the only answer?
   I know that I question myself on a daily basis, and doing so, I feel like I am questioning God's plan. That simply isn't right. God made me a certain way for a reason. I am unique and unlike anyone else on this planet. God loves me. So why can't I see myself the way he sees me? Why can't I just be happy with what he has given me? Because I'm human. A terrible excuse, I know. For that, I am sorry.

   I seek forgiveness for the sins I have committed and continue to commit on a daily basis. Both in thought and deed, I sin. It is a known fact that we, as humans, sin. We brought sin into the world, and we only have ourselves to blame for the imperfections in this world. We cannot judge others on what they wear or how they act, for we are no different. My sins are no different than anyone else's. All sins are seen as equal in God's eyes.
   I love God. I am grateful that he made me who I am. I know he has a plan for me. I trust him completely. I pray that I can stop looking too far ahead and questioning that plan. Patience. Patience. Patience. I will be patient.

   I want to actively show my love for God. God is the most amazing creator in the entire universe. I want people to look at me and see my passion for Him. I want God to shine through me.

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